improve a situation

美 [ɪmˈpruːv ə ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn]英 [ɪmˈpruːv ə ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃn]
  • 改善局面
improve a situationimprove a situation
  1. In order to improve a situation , reports from within a company are as important as those from the outside .


  2. To improve such a situation , it is necessary to energetically develop comprehensive exploitation of resources , enhance rational utilization of poor ores , raise the rate of recovery and diminish the burden of environment .


  3. To improve such a situation , the top executives brought in the 6 Sigma Quality Management methodologies and tool , sponsored a project team to identify the process defects , and requested to improve the Partner Satisfaction index to at least 73 % .
